The AlifYa scale is the first individual (IQ) scale developed by Saudi professionals to cater to the Arab context while using the most established and modern scientific theories of intelligence.
About the scale
The AlifYa Scale is the first individual IQ-scale specifically designed Arab societies in general and for Saudi and Gulf countries in particular. It measures both general IQ and other aspects such as those related to giftedness and special needs. As well as providing clinical diagnosis of certain conditions. It is based on the most recent established scientific theories in the field of measurement of mental abilities. The scale is designed to be available on electronic devices such as tablets or computers, using audio and visual aids. The system also enables the examiner or clinician to closely follow the test taker performance via another tablet or computer, giving the examiner time to record detailed notes on test taker behavior. The instrument is designed in the form of gamification (using the structure of computer games) in accordance with adaptive testing methodologies. This is to reduce the risk of boredom and to better suit the digital generation.
Content of the scale
It consists of 47 subtests. Each subtest measures a specific mental ability.
Test implementation
- Measurement of general IQ.
- Identifying gifted students.
- Measure the school readiness.
- Diagnosis of disorders in:
- Attention – Learning – Autism – Language – Intelligence – Brain Function
Administrators of the scale
Qualified clinicians accredited by ETEC.
Target group
5 to 18 year olds
The scale is available in both Arabic and English.
Significance of the scale
Parents and teachers often find it difficult to correctly recognize children’s mental abilities. There is a need for precise measurement of intelligence (IQ) and other mental abilities in order to address the needs of each child in accordance with their abilities and lead them to a suitable path based on these results.
The use of technology in measuring IQ.
All tests are designed to be implemented on electronic devices
Such as: tablets and computers, using audio and visual aids in accordance with
adaptive tests methodology.
Fully digitalized
The test works on all electronic devices using IOS, Android or Windows.
Test taker’s results are saved
On ETEC’s servers and are easily retrieved at any time.
The scale is designed in the form of gamification
To reduce the risk of boredom and suit the digital generation.
Numbers and statistics.
test takers by 2021.
minutes of audio recording.
well-trained male and female examiners (clinicians).
Questions in the item bank for etch test.
Establishment and development
تعطي نتائج مقاييس الذكاء والقدرات العقلية مؤشرات على إمكانات المفحوص العقلية، فهي تساعد من يتعامل معه على تقديم أفضل الخدمات والمحفزات الممكنة لتطوير قدراته وتوجيهها الأمثل لما يتناسب معها، والخط الزمني للمقياس كالآتي:
Develop the theoretical framework
Designing and developing software
Demo implementation and content development
Standardization, and adaptation.
Adaptive structure and manuals preparation.
App Demo
launching and actuate implementation.
Introduction videos
The AlifYa scale is the first individual (IQ) scale developed by Saudi professionals
The AlifYa scale helps determine how smart our sons and daughters are to invest their abilities towards creativity and innovation
Yale University
University of Houston